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Western architecture: References & Edit History

Additional Reading

General works

Banister Fletcher, Sir Banister Fletcher’s A History of Architecture, 20th ed., edited by Dan Cruickshank (1996), provides a comprehensive standard survey of Western architecture; as do David Watkin, A History of Western Architecture, 3rd ed. (2000); Spiro Kostof, A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals, 2nd ed., rev. by Greg Castillo (1995); and Nikolaus Pevsner, An Outline of European Architecture, 7th ed. (1963, reissued 1990). Standard reference works include Encyclopedia of World Art, 17 vol., trans. from Italian (1959–87); Adolf K. Placzek (ed.), Macmillan Encyclopedia of Architects, 4 vol. (1982); Jane Turner (ed.), The Dictionary of Art, 34 vol. (1996, reprinted with minor corrections, 1998); and James Stevens Curl and John Sambrook, A Dictionary of Architecture (1999).

Bronze Age

An introduction to the architecture of the period is Emily Vermeule, Greece in the Bronze Age (1964, reprinted 1974). Minoan architecture is discussed in Richard Wyatt Hutchinson, Prehistoric Crete (1962, reprinted with revisions, 1968). Helladic times are covered in George E. Mylonas, Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age (1966). David Trump, Central and Southern Italy Before Rome (1966), addresses the western Mediterranean architecture of the period.

Classical Greek and Hellenistic

Major surveys are offered in William Bell Dinsmoor, The Architecture of Ancient Greece: An Account of Its Historic Development, 3rd ed. rev. (1950, reprinted 1975); A.W. Lawrence, Greek Architecture, 5th ed., rev. by R.A. Tomlinson (1996); J.J. Coulton, Ancient Greek Architects at Work: Problems of Structure and Design (1977, reissued 1991; also published as Greek Architects at Work, 1977, reprinted 1982); J.J. Pollitt, The Art of Ancient Greece: Sources and Documents, rev. ed. (1990, reprinted 1995), and Art in the Hellenistic Age (1986, reissued 1996); and James Steele and Ersin Alok, Hellenistic Architecture in Asia Minor (1992).


The basic source is Vitruvius, The Ten Books on Architecture, trans. from Latin by Morris Hicky Morgan (1914, reprinted 1960), the only complete treatise to survive from antiquity. Authoritative surveys with informative bibliographies are Axel Boëthius, Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture, 2nd ed., rev. by Roger Ling and Tom Rasmussen (1978); and J.B. Ward-Perkins, Roman Imperial Architecture (1981, reissued 1994). Also of interest are William L. MacDonald, The Architecture of the Roman Empire, rev. ed., 2 vol. (1982–86); Margaret Lyttelton, Baroque Architecture in Classical Antiquity (1974); and J.J. Pollitt, The Art of Rome, c. 753 B.C.–337 A.D.: Sources and Documents (1966, reprinted 1983).

Early Christian and Byzantine

Richard Krautheimer, Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture, 4th ed., rev. by Richard Krautheimer and Slobodan Ćurčić (1986), is a major study. Also informative is E. Baldwin Smith, Architectural Symbolism of Imperial Rome and the Middle Ages (1956, reprinted 1978). Constantinople (Istanbul) is covered in Thomas F. Mathews, The Byzantine Churches of Istanbul: A Photographic Survey (1976). Hubert Faensen, Vladimir Ivanov, and Klaus G. Beyer, Early Russian Architecture (1975; originally published in German, 1972), is a useful introduction.

Early Medieval and Romanesque

The fundamental study is Kenneth John Conant, Carolingian and Romanesque Architecture, 800 to 1200, 3rd ed. (1973). Also of interest are Eric Fernie, The Architecture of the Anglo-Saxons (1983), and The Architecture of Norman England (2000); Rolf Toman (ed.), Romanesque: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting (1997; originally published in German, 1996); and Roger Stalley, Early Medieval Architecture (1999).


Paul Frankl, Gothic Architecture, rev. ed. by Paul Crossley (2001), provides a full scholarly survey. Earlier classics include Otto Von Simson, The Gothic Cathedral: Origins of Gothic Architecture and the Medieval Concept of Order, 3rd expanded ed. (1988); and Erwin Panofsky, Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism (1951, reissued 1985); while later scholarship is represented in Jean Bony, The English Decorated Style: Gothic Architecture Transformed, 1250–1350 (1979); and Rolf Toman (ed.), The Art of Gothic: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting (1999; originally published in German, 1998). Also useful is Teresa G. Frisch, Gothic Art 1140–c. 1450: Sources and Documents (1971, reissued 1987).


The best general surveys of Italian Renaissance architecture are Ludwig H. Heydenreich, Architecture in Italy, 1400–1500, rev. by Paul Davies (1996); and Wolfgang Lotz, Architecture in Italy, 1500–1600, rev. by Deborah Howard (1995). Rudolf Wittkower, Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism, 5th ed. (1998), a scholarly study, may be read in conjunction with historical treatises, especially Leon Battista Alberti, On the Art of Building in Ten Books, trans. from Latin (1988, reprinted 1991; originally published in Latin, 1485); and Andrea Palladio, The Four Books of Architecture (1738, reprinted 1977; originally published in Italian, 1570).

Informative works on Renaissance architecture outside of Italy include Anthony Blunt, Art and Architecture in France, 1500–1700, 5th ed., rev. by Richard Beresford (1999); George Kubler and Martin Soria, Art and Architecture in Spain and Portugal and Their American Dominions, 1500 to 1800 (1959, reissued 1969); John Summerson, Architecture in Britain, 1530 to 1830, 9th ed. (1993); and Helena Kozakiewiczowie and Stefan Kozakiewiczowie, The Renaissance in Poland (1976; originally published in Polish, 1976).

Baroque and Rococo

Important general studies include Anthony Blunt (ed.), Baroque & Rococo Architecture & Decoration (1978, reprinted 1988). The classic study on Italian Baroque is Rudolf Wittkower, Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600–1750, rev. by Joseph Connors and Jennifer Montagu, 6th ed., 3 vol. (1999). Informative works on specific parts of Italy include Anthony Blunt, Neapolitan Baroque & Rococo Architecture (1975); and Richard Pommer, Eighteenth-Century Architecture in Piedmont: The Open Structures of Juvarra, Alfieri & Vittone (1967). Works dealing with the period’s architecture elsewhere include Karsten Harries, The Bavarian Rococo Church: Between Faith and Aestheticism (1983); W. Kuyper, Dutch Classicist Architecture: A Survey of Dutch Architecture, Gardens, and Anglo-Dutch Architectural Relations from 1625 to 1700 (1980); Kerry Downes, English Baroque Architecture (1966); Rolf Tolman (ed.), Baroque: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting (1998; originally published in German, 1997); and Henry A. Millon (ed.), The Triumph of the Baroque: Architecture in Europe, 1600–1750 (1999).

Classicism, 1750–1830

Stimulating general studies include Joseph Rykwert, The First Moderns: The Architects of the Eighteenth Century (1980, reissued 1983), and On Adam’s House in Paradise: The Idea of the Primitive Hut in Architectural History, 2nd ed. (1981); and Robin Middleton and David Watkin, Neoclassical and 19th Century Architecture (1980, reissued in 2 vol., 1987; originally published in Italian, 1977). Special subjects are covered in Allan Braham, The Architecture of the French Enlightenment (1980, reissued 1989); Wolfgang Herrmann, Laugier and Eighteenth Century French Theory (1962, reissued 1985); David Watkin and Tilman Mellinghoff, German Architecture and the Classical Ideal (1987), a well-illustrated survey with a full bibliography; M. Il’ina and A. Aleksandrova, Moscow Monuments of Architecture, 18th–the First Third of the Nineteenth Century, 2 vol. (1975), with parallel English and Russian texts; William H. Pierson, Jr., American Buildings and Their Architects: The Colonial and Neo-Classical Styles (1970, reprinted 1986); Carl W. Condit, American Building: Materials and Techniques from the First Colonial Settlements to the Present, 2nd ed. (1982); Marcus Whiffen and Frederick Koeper, American Architecture: 1607–1976 (1981, reprinted in 2 vol., 1984); Roger G. Kennedy, Greek Revival America (1989); Wend von Kalnein, Architecture in France in the Eighteenth Century, trans. from German (1995); and Barry Bergdoll, European Architecture, 1750–1890 (2000).

Gothic Revival

Paul Frankl, The Gothic: Literary Sources and Interpretations Through Eight Centuries (1969, reissued 1983), is a fundamental study. Georg Germann, Gothic Revival in Europe and Britain: Sources, Influences, and Ideas, trans. from German (1972), has an unusually broad perspective. Informative works on Britain include Charles L. Eastlake, A History of the Gothic Revival, 2nd ed., edited by J. Mordaunt Crook (1978), a basic text first published in 1872; George L. Hersey, High Victorian Gothic: A Study in Associationism (1972); and Chris Brooks, Gothic Revival (1999). The United States is the focus of Phoebe B. Stanton, The Gothic Revival & American Church Architecture: An Episode in Taste, 1840–1856 (1968, reprinted 1997); and William H. Pierson, Jr., Technology and the Picturesque: The Corporate and the Early Gothic Styles (1978, reissued 1986).

Classicism, 1830–1930

The standard general study is Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, 4th ed. (1977, reprinted 1987). Peter Collins, Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture, 1750–1950, 2nd ed. (1998), offers a challenging interpretative approach. Other informative works include Arthur Drexler (ed.), The Architecture of the École des Beaux-Arts (1977, reprinted 1984); Robin Middleton (ed.), The Beaux-Arts and Nineteenth-Century French Architecture (1982); Carroll L.V. Meeks, Italian Architecture, 1750–1914 (1966); Spiro Kostof, The Third Rome, 1870–1950: Traffic and Glory (1973); Tilmann Buddensieg and Henning Rogge, Industriekultur: Peter Behrens and the AEG, 1907–1914 (1984; originally published in German, 1979); Barbara Miller Lane, Architecture and Politics in Germany, 1918–1945 (1968, reissued 1985); Simo Paavilainen (ed.), Nordic Classicism, 1910–1930 (1982), with English and Swedish texts; E. Kirichenko, Moscow Architectural Monuments of the 1830–1910s (1977), with parallel English and Russian texts; and William H. Jordy, American Buildings and Their Architects: Progressive and Academic Ideals at the Turn of the Twentieth Century (1972, reprinted 1986).

20th century

Iron and glass

Important sources include François Loyer, Architecture of the Industrial Age, 1789–1914 (1983; originally published in French, 1983); Sigfried Giedion, Mechanization Takes Command: A Contribution to Anonymous History (1948, reissued 1970); Carroll L.V. Meeks, The Railroad Station: An Architectural History (1956, reissued 1995); and Carl W. Condit, American Building Art: The Twentieth Century (1961). Frank Russell (ed.), Art Nouveau Architecture (1979, reprinted 1986), is a comprehensive survey.

Modern movement and after

Early classic studies include Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson, The International Style (1932, reissued 1996); Nikolaus Pevsner, Pioneers of Modern Design: From William Morris to Walter Gropius, rev. ed. (1975, reissued 1991); and Reyner Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, 2nd ed. (1967, reprinted 1992). A broader exploration is available in Kenneth Frampton, Modern Architecture: A Critical History, 3rd ed., rev. and enlarged (1992, reissued 1997). Modern American architecture is discussed in William H. Jordy, American Buildings and Their Architects: The Impact of European Modernism in the Mid-Twentieth Century (1972, reprinted 1986); Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961, reissued 2000); and the work by Carl W. Condit cited in the section above. Postmodernism has been surveyed in Paolo Portoghesi, Postmodern: The Architecture of the Post-Industrial Society (1983; originally published in Italian, 1982); and Charles Jencks, The Language of Post-Modern Architecture, 6th rev. and enlarged ed. (1991). Also of interest are Robert A.M. Stern and Raymond W. Gastil, Modern Classicism (1988); and Andreas Papadakis and Harriet Watson (eds.), New Classicism: Omnibus Volume (1990).

David John Watkin

Other developments in late 20th-century architecture are examined in Philip Johnson and Mark Wigley, Deconstructivist Architecture: The Museum of Modern Art, New York (1988); Charles Jencks, The New Moderns: From Late to Neo-Modernism (1990); Peter Noever (ed.), Architecture in Transition: Between Deconstruction and New Modernism (1991, reissued 1997); Hugh Pearman, Contemporary World Architecture (1998); Martha Thorne (ed.), The Pritzker Architecture Prize: The First Twenty Years (1999); and John Zukowsky and Martha Thorne (eds.), Skyscrapers: The New Millennium (2000).

John Zukowsky

Researcher's Note

Holy Roman Empire

Voltaire, it seems, was at least partially right when he famously quipped that the Holy Roman Empire was neither “holy” nor “Roman,” for the medieval empire was indeed neither until at least the 12th century. Although the term Holy Roman Empire is commonly used to identify the medieval empire from its inception on December 25, 800, this title did not actually appear until 1254 in the wake of the recovery of ancient Roman law and the prolonged struggle between the papacy and the Hohenstaufen dynasty. The designation, therefore, is inaccurately applied to the empire before the time of the Hohenstaufen.

The matter is complicated because conceptions of the “Holy Roman Empire” existed in some form from the year 800, when Charlemagne revived the imperial title of imperator augustus (“august emperor”) in the West. Crowned at Rome by Pope Leo III, Charlemagne ruled a Christian empire that was nearly coterminous with Western Christendom. The emperor himself consciously promoted Christian values as he understood them, and he also negotiated with the Eastern Roman emperor for recognition of his title.

In the 10th century the Ottonian dynasty revived the Carolingian imperial model. Otto I deposed the pope, who had crowned him emperor and appointed another, and Otto II styled himself “Emperor Augustus of the Romans.” The Ottonians also claimed the imperial title in traditional Roman fashion—by right of conquest. In 1034 Conrad II used outright the term Roman Empire in reference to the union of Germany, Italy, and Burgundy.

It was not, however, until the 12th century—in the wake of the Investiture Controversy, which had undermined the traditional claims of the emperor’s place in the world—that the notion of a “holy empire” explicitly emerged. Influenced by the revival of Roman law, the chancery of Frederick Barbarossa adopted the term sacrum imperium as a counterblast to the universal claims of the church. For Barbarossa the empire was a divinely ordained entity independent of church authority. The title Holy Roman Empire itself finally appeared during the extended controversy between the Hohenstaufen dynasty and the papacy in the 13th century, and, therefore, it is correctly applied only to the great central European empire after that time.

Height of the Willis (formerly Sears) Tower

The height of the Willis Tower has been widely and erroneously reported as 1,454 feet (443 metres). According to Skidmore, Owings & Merrill , the architectural firm in charge of designing the building, the correct height is 1,450 feet (442 metres). This is also nearly identical to the figure favoured by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat , the international organization that determines the officially accepted heights of buildings.

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Added cross-references. Dec 09, 2024
Added cross-reference to Holkham Hall. Dec 02, 2023
Cross-references added. Nov 17, 2023
Cross-references added. Nov 03, 2023
Cross-references added. Oct 27, 2023
Changed the date of the discoveries of Pompeii and Herculaneum from “1719” to “the early 18th century.” Mar 22, 2022
Media added. Apr 13, 2018
Media added. Nov 10, 2017
Noted that the Experience Music Project was renamed the Museum of Pop Culture in 2016. Sep 21, 2017
Media added. Jun 02, 2017
Media added. Jun 02, 2017
Media added. May 25, 2017
Media added. May 12, 2017
Media added. Mar 17, 2017
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Media added. Aug 24, 2016
Media added. Jun 23, 2016
Media added. Feb 24, 2016
Media added. Jun 19, 2015
Media added. Jun 09, 2015
Added video. Dec 10, 2014
Video surveying the history of Renaissance architecture added. Nov 10, 2010
Media added. Jul 06, 2010
Media added. Jun 16, 2010
Photographs of the Renaissance houses Longleat and Wollaton Hall added. Feb 25, 2010
Floor plan and cross section images of the Hagia Sophia added. Feb 25, 2010
Corrected construction date and name of the Assumption Belfry. Oct 27, 2009
Article revised and updated. Aug 21, 2009
Media added. Aug 21, 2009
Updated for name change from Sears Tower to Willis Tower. Jul 17, 2009
Mentioned that the Stoclet House in Belgium was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site. Jul 17, 2009
Article revised and updated. Oct 29, 2008
Revised to delete material on Latin American architecture, which now appears in Latin American architecture article. Jul 09, 2008
Media added. Jun 26, 2008
Article revised and updated. Mar 06, 2008
Article revised and updated. Dec 06, 2007
Article revised and updated. Oct 09, 2007
Article revised and updated. Aug 15, 2007
Article revised. Mar 17, 2005
Article revised. Mar 16, 2001
Article revised. Mar 02, 2001
Article revised. Feb 15, 2001
Article revised. Nov 17, 2000
Article revised. Nov 03, 2000
Article revised. Oct 19, 2000
Article revised. Sep 08, 2000
Article revised. Sep 05, 2000
Article revised. Feb 16, 2000
Article revised. Jan 12, 2000
Article added to new online database. Jan 12, 2000
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