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- water plantain
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Alismataceae, the water plantain family of 113 species of freshwater flowering plants belonging to the order Alismatales and including 17 genera, the most common of which are Alisma (water plantain), Echinodorus (burhead), and Sagittaria (arrowhead). Most members of the family are native to the Northern Hemisphere, but some species are widely distributed throughout both tropical and temperate regions.
Alismataceae are commonly found in shallow water and swamps or on muddy banks or wet sand. They generally feature long thin leafstalks that are basally clustered and can grow submerged, floating, or above water. Such herbacious plants are frequently laticiferous (latex-producing), and many can reproduce vegetatively by stolons or rhizomes. Several species are edible, including a number of Sagittaria species known for their flavourful rhizomes and tubers. The flowers have three sepals (modified leaves) and three petals and can be white, rose, yellow, or purple in colour. The fruits are follicles (dry fruit that splits along one side) or achenes (dry fruit with a single seed).