- Related Topics:
- bracken
- Dennstaedtia
- Lindsaea
- Pteridium
- Eastern bracken
Dennstaedtiaceae, the bracken family (order Polypodiales), containing 10 genera and about 250 species of ferns. Dennstaedtiaceae is distributed nearly worldwide; although the family is most diverse in tropical regions, it is well represented in temperate floras. Most species are terrestrial, but some genera contain species that climb on surrounding vegetation.
Leaf morphology is quite variable, though the leaves tend to be highly divided in most genera. Many species have spreading rootstocks. The sori (clusters of spore-producing structures) are also variable in shape but most commonly are either linear and more or less continuous along the leaf margin or scattered and circular to horseshoe-shaped along the portions of the margins. Often they are protected by the recurved leaf margin or a membranous flap of tissue (indusium). In some species the sori appear enclosed in small indusial pouches. The family contains species with either bean-shaped (bilateral) or globose (tetrahedral) spores.
The most economically important genus of Dennstaedtiaceae is Pteridium. Bracken (P. aquilinum) is considered one of the world’s worst weeds and is an aggressive invasive species in some areas outside of its native range. Bracken invades open or disturbed areas with its extensive branched rhizomes, which may grow to about 400 metres (1,300 feet) in length. Because the plant competes so vigorously with other vegetation and the leaves contain toxic chemicals, a site where this fern becomes established is soon unfit for grazing by livestock, and many less-common species of plants often become shaded out. Members of various other genera in the family are grown as ornamentals, including species of Dennstaedtia, Hypolepis, and Microlepia.