plant genus
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annotated classification
- In fern: Annotated classification
Osmunda, Osmundopteris, Plenasium, and Todea) and 20 modern species, distributed nearly worldwide. Order Hymenophyllales Family Hymenophyllaceae (filmy ferns) Mostly rainforest epiphytes; mostly tiny ferns with blades only 1 cell thick between veins; spores globose, green;
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genus of Osmundaceae
- In Osmundaceae
…present-day genera of large ferns—Osmunda, Todea, and Leptopteris—the family contains about 20 species; 5 to 10 extinct genera date from the Late Permian Period (about 260 million to 251 million years ago). Thamnopteris and Zalesskya are the earliest known members of the family. The Osmundaceae family is characterized by spore-producing…
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