
Adidam, a small religious movement grounded in the Hindu tradition. Founded in 1972 in California by Franklin Jones (born 1939), who changed his name to Adi Da (Sanskrit: “One Who Gives from the Divine Source”) in 1994, it has undergone a number of name changes and considerable internal turmoil.

Adi Da claimed that he was born in a state of perfect freedom and awareness of ultimate reality (the “Heart”), but he gave up that state of awareness at age two so that he could fully experience human existence with all its limitations. In 1970 he recognized himself as the one God. At the same time, he purportedly came to understand the self-defeating nature of seeking happiness, which at best produces fleeting results. He claimed, however, to be able to transmit the power of self-realization, which can lead to perfect happiness in a state of “self-existing and self-radiant consciousness.”

As Franklin Jones, he opened an ashram (religious retreat) in Hollywood, California, in 1972. He authored several books outlining his beliefs, and, as his following grew, he moved his headquarters to northern California. From 1979 to 1994 he changed his name several times, first to Da Free John and ultimately to Adi Da. He also changed his movement’s name, from Dawn Horse Fellowship to Johanine Daist Communion, Free Daist Communion, and finally Adidam.

Adidam’s members have been involved in an intense but sometimes troubled relationship with their spiritual leader. Adi Da’s extended withdrawal in 1979 and his subsequent decision to spend a significant amount of time in the group’s ashram in Fiji led to some desertions from the movement. Some dissatisfied former members complained that the methods Adi Da used were manipulative and destructive. He was also accused of binge drinking and of allowing and participating in rampant sexual abuse within the movement.

J. Gordon Melton