Nicander (flourished c. 2nd century bc, Claros, near Colophon in Ionia, Asia Minor [now in Turkey]) was a Greek poet, physician, and grammarian. Little is known of Nicander’s life except that his family held the hereditary priesthood of Apollo at Colophon.
Nicander wrote a number of works in both prose and verse, of which two are preserved. The longest, Theriaca, is a hexameter poem of 958 lines on the nature of venomous animals and the wounds they inflict. The details of this work were taken from the prose writings of Apollodorus, an early 3rd-century writer. The other, Alexipharmaca, may also have been derived from Apollodorus. It consists of 630 hexameters concerning poisons and their antidotes. Both works are obscurantist, written in unimaginative, archaic language. Among his lost works are Aetolica, a prose history of Aetolia; Heteroeumena, a mythological epic used by Ovid in the Metamorphoses; and Georgica and Melissourgica, of which considerable fragments are preserved. The works of Nicander were praised by Cicero in De oratore, imitated by Ovid, and frequently quoted by Pliny and other writers.
Nicander’s reputation does not seem justified; his works, as Plutarch says in De audiendis poetis, have nothing poetic about them except the metre, and the style is bombastic and obscure. However, they contain some interesting information on the ancient approach to the subjects treated.