self-heal, (genus Prunella), genus of 13 species of low-growing perennials in the mint family (Lamiaceae), native to Eurasia and North America. Several species, especially common self-heal (Prunella vulgaris), large-flowered self-heal (P. grandiflora), and cutleaf self-heal (P. lacinata), were regarded in medieval times as cure-alls and are still used in herbal medicine. The dried leaves and flowers are commonly brewed for soothing sore throats. Other common names include heal-all and allheal.
Self-heals often grow as low weeds in lawns or disturbed areas. The prostrate branches root readily wherever they touch soil. Tiny, two-lipped, lilac-coloured or white flowers are clustered into noticeable dense spikes. Leaves have sparsely toothed or smooth margins and are borne in pairs along the square stems.