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The caddisflies were long classified in the order Neuroptera. However, the two groups are now thought to represent different evolutionary lines. Ancestral Mecoptera (scorpionflies) probably gave rise to the Neuroptera (lacewings), Trichoptera (caddisflies), and Lepidoptera (moths, butterflies). The closely related Trichoptera and Lepidoptera may have arisen from a common offshoot. Early aquatic trichopterans may have diverged from the terrestrial line in the Late Triassic Period (about 200 million years ago). The earliest known trichopteran fossils are from the Early Jurassic Period (about 185 million years ago). A few fossil wing prints from the Cretaceous Period (about 146 million to 65.5 million years ago) are known; many fossils in Oligocene Baltic amber (about 34 million to 23 million years ago) belong to or are related to living genera. Later fossil wing prints occur in Miocene deposits.
Distinguishing taxonomic features
Caddisflies are mothlike insects with two pairs of hairy wings that are folded rooflike over the abdomen at rest. Antennae are long and many jointed with a large basal segment. Large compound eyes are present, whereas simple eyes (ocelli) either number three or are absent. The number of maxillary palpal joints usually is five but varies between two and six. Posterior wings are broader than anterior and the pattern of veins is generalized and sometimes reduced. Legs are long and slender with five-jointed tarsi. Tibial leg segments may bear variable numbers of spurs. Male genitalia are often complex and have been used for species identification; female genitalia are of increasing taxonomic significance. Another system of identification relies on the internal characters such as internal head skeletal structures, known collectively as the tentorium. Larvae are essentially aquatic. Campodeiform (elongated and flattened) larvae are found in aquatic habitats and are either free-living or net forming, whereas eruciform (caterpillar-like) larvae are case-bearing. In some groups head capsules, functional mandibles, thoracic shields, abdominal gills, abdominal prolegs or hooks, and types of nets or cases are distinct. In all larvae, antennae are short, and spiracles absent. Pupae have functional mandibles, free limbs, and hook-bearing dorsal plates.
Annotated classification
The number of living families has recently increased. Nineteen were listed in 1953 and 34 (based on a different method of classification) in 1967. The following is based on the later scheme.
- Order Trichoptera (caddisflies)
- Insects with 2 pairs of wings held rooflike over the body in repose; the wing membrane or veins, or both, with hairs; wing vein pattern generalized; tibiae usually with spurs, tarsi 5-jointed; larvae and pupae aquatic, with functional mandibles; larvae with terminal abdominal hooked prolegs or hooks, free-living, net spinning, or casemaking, pupate in larval case or cocoon.
- Suborder Annulipalpia
- Terminal segment of maxillary palpi annulate (with ringed appearance) or subdivided; larvae, net spinners.
- Superfamily Hydropsychoidea
- Antennae usually anterior wing length or less.
- Family Stenopsychidae
- Closely related to Philopotamidae; ocelli large or absent; larval head elongated.
- Family Xiphocentrionidae
- Closely related to Psychomyiidae; ocelli absent.
- Family Psychomyiidae
- Ocelli absent.
- Family Polycentropodidae
- Ocelli absent.
- Family Dipseudopsidae
- Closely related to Polycentropodidae.
- Family Hydropsychidae
- Antennae mostly about anterior wing length or slightly longer; ocelli absent; larvae with many-branched ventral abdominal gills on most segments.
- Suborder Integripalpia
- Terminal segment of maxillary palpi undivided; larvae free-living or case makers.
- Superfamily Rhyacophiloidea
- Antennae shorter than anterior wing length.
- Family Rhyacophiloidae
- Ocelli present; larvae free-living, produce a single line of silk.
- Family Glossosomatidae
- Adults similar to Rhyacophilidae; larvae, saddle case makers with modified terminal prolegs and hooks.
- Family Hydroptilidae (microcaddis)
- Ocelli present or absent; wings reduced, narrow, with long hair fringes; larvae purse case makers or tube case makers in last larval stage; earlier stages free-living.
- Superfamily Limnephiloidea
- Larvae, tube case makers.
- Superfamily Philopotamoidea
- Family Philopotamidae
- Ocelli medium to small; larval head elongated.
- Limnephilid Branch
- Antennae about anterior wing length; ocelli usually present; adult mandibles reduced or lost.
- Family Limnocentropodidae
- Primitive articulating mandibles.
- Family Brachycentridae
- Maxillary palpi 3-jointed in male.
- Family Phryganeidae
- Maxillary palpi usually 4-jointed in male.
- Family Phryganopsychidae
- Male maxillary palpi 4-jointed.
- Family Goeridae
- Ocelli absent; maxillary palpi of male 3-jointed.
- Family Thremnidae
- Closely related to Limnephilidae.
- Family Limnephilidae
- Maxillary palpi of male 3-jointed.
- Family Plectrotarsidae
- Closely related to Limnephilidae; specialized elongated mouthparts.
- Family Lepidostomatidae
- Ocelli absent; maxillary palpi 3-jointed in male.
- Family Rhynchopsychidae
- Closely related to Lepidostomatidae, but mouthparts elongated.
- Leptocerid Branch
- Antennae about anterior wing length or less, except Leptoceridae; ocelli absent.
- Family Pisuliidae
- Male maxillary palpi 3-jointed.
- Family Calocidae
- Maxillary palpi 5-jointed.
- Family Pycnocentrellidae
- Maxillary palpi 5-jointed.
- Family Beraeidae
- Maxillary palpi 5-jointed.
- Family Sericostomatidae
- Male maxillary palpi 3-jointed or less.
- Family Helicophidae
- Maxillary palpi 5-jointed, both sexes.
- Family Philanisidae
- Maxillary palpi 5-jointed in both sexes; larvae only in marine littoral zone.
- Family Antipodoeciidae
- Apparently related to Odontoceridae; male maxillary palpi 3-jointed.
- Family Odontoceridae
- Maxillary palpi 5-jointed.
- Family Molannidae
- Maxillary palpi 5-jointed; claws specialized.
- Family Philorheithridae
- Maxillary palpi of males 5-, 4- and 3-jointed, basal joint with nodule.
- Family Helicopsychidae
- Maxillary palpi of male 2-jointed; larval cases look like small snail shells; very small in size, traditionally placed in Sericostomatidae; many adult characters reduced or absent; relationships uncertain.
- Family Calamoceratidae
- Maxillary palpi 5- or 6-jointed.
- Family Leptoceridae
- Antennae longer than wingspan; maxillary palpi 5-jointed; anterior wings elongated; vein pattern reduced.
Critical appraisal
Many species of caddisflies have been described from male characteristics, particularly genitalia only, family characters being assumed. Work in recent years on female characters, internal adult characters, and larval characters has revealed new sources of taxonomic information. Further progress in classification depends upon these detailed studies. The classification used above reveals the extent of progress thus far.
Keith Arthur John Wise