43 Biographies
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Caravaggio: The Conversion of St. Paul (second version)
Christian Apostle
St. Paul the Apostle was one of the leaders of the first generation of Christians, often considered to be the most important person after Jesus in the history of Christianity. In his own day, although...
St. Peter the Apostle
Christian Apostle
St. Peter the Apostle was a disciple of Jesus Christ, recognized in the early Christian church as the leader of the 12 disciples and by the Roman Catholic Church as the first of its unbroken succession...
Medina, Saudi Arabia: Prophet's Mosque
prophet of Islam
Muhammad was the founder of Islam and the proclaimer of the Qurʾān. He is traditionally said to have been born in 570 in Mecca and to have died in 632 in Medina, where he had been forced to emigrate to...
Rembrandt: Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem
Hebrew prophet
Jeremiah was a Hebrew prophet, reformer, and author of a biblical book that bears his name. He was closely involved in the political and religious events of a crucial era in the history of the ancient...
Mary Baker Eddy
American religious leader
Mary Baker Eddy was a Christian religious reformer and founder of the religious denomination known as Christian Science. Mary Baker Eddy’s family background and life until her “discovery” of Christian...
Joseph Smith
American religious leader [1805–1844]
Joseph Smith was an American prophet and founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Smith came from an unremarkable New England family. His grandfather, Asael Smith, lost most of his property...
Ahura Mazdā
Iranian prophet
Zarathushtra was an Iranian religious reformer and prophet, traditionally regarded as the founder of Zoroastrianism. A major figure in the history of world religions, Zarathushtra has been the object of...
Muslim scholar
Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal was a Muslim theologian, jurist, and martyr for his faith. He was the compiler of the Musnad, a collection of sayings and traditions of the Prophet Muhammad arranged by isnād, and the...
Buddhist philosopher
Nagarjuna was an Indian Buddhist philosopher who articulated the doctrine of emptiness (shunyata) and is traditionally regarded as the founder of the Madhyamika (“Middle Way”) school, an important tradition...
Buddhist monk
Xuanzang was a Buddhist monk and Chinese pilgrim to India who translated the sacred scriptures of Buddhism from Sanskrit into Chinese and founded in China the Buddhist Consciousness Only school. His fame...
Ram Mohan Roy
Indian religious leader
Ram Mohan Roy was an Indian religious, social, and educational reformer who challenged traditional Hindu culture and indicated lines of progress for Indian society under British rule. He is sometimes called...
The Shrine of the Bāb, Haifa, Israel.
Iranian religious leader
The Bāb was a merchant’s son whose claim to be the Bāb (Gateway) to the hidden imām (the perfect embodiment of Islamic faith) gave rise to the Bābī religion and made him one of the three central figures...
Guru Gobind Singh, 18th century, Punjab
Sikh Guru
Guru Gobind Singh was an Indian spiritual leader who is revered as the 10th and last of the human Sikh Gurus, known chiefly for his creation of the Khalsa (Punjabi: “the Pure”), a casteless order of Sikhs...
Jewish scholar
Judah ha-Nasi was one of the last of the tannaim, the small group of Palestinian masters of the Jewish Oral Law, parts of which he collected as the Mishna (Teaching). The Mishna became the subject of interpretation...
Buddhist patriarch
Hui-neng was the sixth great patriarch of Zen (Ch’an in Chinese) Buddhism and founder of the Southern school, which became the dominant school of Zen, both in China and in Japan. As a young and illiterate...
Jewish rabbi and scholar
Meir Of Rothenburg was a great rabbinical authority of 13th-century German Jewry and one of the last great tosaphists (writers of notes and commentary) of Rashi’s authoritative commentary on the Talmud....
Korean religious leader
Sun Myung Moon was a South Korean religious leader who in 1954 founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, better known as the Unification Church. In his book The Divine...
Christian prophet
St. Silas ; Western feast day July 13, Eastern feast day July 30) was an early Christian prophet and missionary, companion of St. Paul the Apostle. It is generally believed that the Silas in Acts and the...
James the Greater
apostle, son of Zebedee
St. James ; Roman Catholic feast day July 25; Eastern Orthodox feast day April 30) was one of the Twelve Apostles, distinguished as being in Jesus’ innermost circle and being the only apostle whose martyrdom...
Jewish scholar
Hai ben Sherira was the last outstanding Babylonian gaon, or head, of a great Talmudic academy, remembered for the range and profundity of the exceptionally large number of responsa (authoritative answers...
French Judaic scholar
Jacob ben Meir Tam was a French Jew, an outstanding Talmudic authority of his time, who was responsible for a series of far-reaching decisions governing relationships between Christians and Jews in medieval...
Buddhist priest
Daigak Guksa was a Korean Buddhist priest who founded the Ch’ŏnt’ae sect of Buddhism. A son of the Koryŏ king Munjong, Ŭich’ŏn became a Buddhist monk at age 11, and in 1084 he went to the Sung court of...
Indian philosopher and poet
Ashvaghosha was a philosopher and poet who is considered India’s greatest poet before Kalidasa (5th century) and the father of Sanskrit drama; he popularized the style of Sanskrit poetry known as kavya....
Buddhist scholar
Mar-pa was one of the Tibetan translators of Indian Vajrayana (or Tantric) Buddhist texts, a significant figure in the revival of Buddhism in Tibet in the 11th century. The chief source of information...
Jewish scholar
Gershom ben Judah was an eminent rabbinical scholar who proposed a far-reaching series of legal enactments (taqqanot) that profoundly molded the social institutions of medieval European Jewry. He was called...
Babylonian-Jewish scholar
Samuel of Nehardea was a Babylonian amora (scholar), head of the important Jewish academy at Nehardea. His teachings, along with those of Rav (Abba Arika, head of the academy at Sura), figure prominently...
Jewish scholar
Amram bar Sheshna was the head of the Talmudic academy at Sura, Babylonia, traditionally regarded as the first Jewish authority to write a complete domestic and synagogal liturgy for the year, the Siddur...
Buddhist scholar
Kumarajiva was a Buddhist scholar and seer, famed for his encyclopaedic knowledge of Indian and Vedantic learning. He is recognized as one of the greatest translators of Buddhist scriptures from Sanskrit...
Muslim scholar
Al-Tirmidhī was an Arab scholar and author of one of the six canonical collections of spoken traditions (Hadith) attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. The life of al-Tirmidhī is poorly documented. He journeyed...
Chinese scholar
Liu An was a Chinese nobleman and scholar who was one of the few prominent Daoist philosophers active during the 700-year period between the peak of Daoist thought in the 4th century bc and its resurgence...
Buddhist monk
Rin-chen-bzang-po , also known as the "Great Translator," was a Tibetan Buddhist monk known primarily for his extensive translations of Indian Buddhist texts into Tibetan, thus furthering the subsequent...
Indian Buddhist missionary and translator
Paramārtha was an Indian Buddhist missionary and translator whose arrival in China in 546 was important in the development of Chinese Buddhism. The basic teachings of the consciousness-oriented Yogācāra...
Chinese Daoist
Lu Hsiu-ching was a scholar of Taoism in South China who edited the revealed Ling-pao scriptures that became the basis for the most important ritualistic, or liturgical, traditions in religious Taoism....
Chinese Buddhist monk
Dao’an was a pioneer Chinese Buddhist monk who facilitated the assimilation of Buddhism in China through his work in translating Buddhist scriptures into Chinese. Dao’an’s work influenced Kumarajiva, the...
Tibetan Buddhist monk
’Brom-ston was a Tibetan Buddhist, member of the school of the 11th-century reformer Atīśa. He translated much of the Buddhist sacred literature, including Tantra texts, into classic Tibetan and possibly...
American rabbi and scholar
Solomon Schechter was an outstanding authority on the Talmud, and a researcher who discovered important ancient documents. He was also a leader of Conservative Judaism in the United States. Schechter studied...
Chinese Daoist
Tao Hongjing was a Chinese poet, calligrapher, physician, naturalist, and the most eminent Daoist of his time. A precocious child, Tao was a tutor to the imperial court while still a youth. In 492 he retired...
Taoist scholar
Tu Kuang-t’ing was a Taoist scholar of the T’ang period who contributed to the development of Taoist liturgical ritual and the blending of the T’ien-shih and Ling-pao scriptures. His ideas on Taoist ritual...
Max Müller
German scholar
Max Müller was a German scholar of comparative language, religion, and mythology. Müller’s special areas of interest were Sanskrit philology and the religions of India. The son of Wilhelm Müller, a noted...
Hindu philosopher
Debendranath Tagore was a Hindu philosopher and religious reformer, active in the Brahmo Samaj (“Society of Brahma,” also translated as “Society of God”). Born into a wealthy landowning family, Tagore...
European Jewish rabbi and scholar
Adolf Jellinek was a rabbi and scholar who was considered to be the most forceful Jewish preacher of his time in central Europe. From 1845 to 1856 Jellinek preached in Leipzig and from 1856 to 1893 in...
Indian religious leader
Vedantadeshika was a leading theologian of the Vishishtadvaita (Qualified Nondualist) school of philosophy and founder of the Vadakalai subsect of the Shrivaishnavas, a religious movement of South India....
Buddhist monk
Chi-tsang was a Chinese Buddhist monk who systematized the teachings of the San-lun (“Three Treatises,” or Middle Doctrine) school of Māhāyana Buddhism in China and who is sometimes regarded as its founder....