Costs and benefits of communication
- Key People:
- Karl von Frisch
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For both senders and receivers there are costs associated with engaging in communication. It takes time, energy, and special modifications of sender and receiver organs to communicate. Thus, there must be compensatory benefits to each party for communication to be favoured by evolution. A sender will provide information to a receiver only if the decision of the receiver improves the sender’s fitness more than the costs of signaling reduces it. The benefits to the sender may be direct, such as securing a mate or successfully repelling an opponent, or indirect, in that the receiver’s choice may benefit close kin of the sender. A receiver attends to any source of information that is sufficiently reliable, on average, to enhance the receiver’s decision making. The qualifiers “sufficiently reliable” and “on average” reflect the fact that senders may not always send perfect information, but the signals may still be useful to receivers. However, there is a minimum amount of reliable information in any decision situation that must be provided before it is beneficial for either party to engage in communication. Described another way, the payoff to each party (benefits minus costs) must be positive before they will participate in communication.
Animals often have to make decisions in response to alternatives. For example, if a female must determine which of two males will be the better parent for her young, she will mate with the male she deems most fit. In another example, when a parent bird returns to its nest, it must decide which of its nestlings is most needy. It will then give that nestling the worm. The receiver’s decision process begins with some baseline probabilities for each alternative, based on inherited biases, chance, or prior experience. As new information is obtained, whether by examining the candidates directly or by attending to their signals, the receiver updates the probabilities by raising some and lowering others. The receiver’s decision will then be based on these updated probabilities and some knowledge of the relative payoffs of correct versus incorrect decisions.
A number of measures have been proposed for the amount of information provided by animal signals. One measure is relative reliability; this is the increase in the average probability that a receiver makes the correct decision (for itself) when using signals compared to when a receiver is not using signals. Relative reliability also may be weighted according to the relative chances of making the correct decision; this is done by determining the difference in payoffs when making the correct versus incorrect decision. A classical approach computes a logarithmic measure (in bits) of the reduction in a receiver’s uncertainty after receiving and processing a signal. Most of these measures yield similar rankings of the amount of information in signals and differ largely in scale.
Few senders never err in signal selection, and even if they selected the correct signal, transmission can distort signals and cause receivers to interpret them incorrectly. Thus, most animal signaling systems have reliabilities less than that expected for perfect information. Receivers usually have a “best guess” that they adopt when they cannot obtain enough information from a signal to make an informed choice. This best guess is the one that yields the highest average payoff when no signals are available. A receiver that switches from best guesses to a reliance on imperfect signals will start making incorrect decisions, when the best guess was in fact the correct choice. However, the receiver will also start making some correct decisions on those occasions when the best guess was the incorrect choice.
For receivers to participate in communication, the benefits of not making errors when the best guess was wrong must be greater than the costs of occasional errors when the best guess was always correct. As reliability increases, these benefits keep growing and the costs become diminishingly small. Thus, there is a minimal reliability that is required before either party should engage in communication.