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- The University of Sydney - Chemical Bonding (PDF) (Dec. 18, 2024)
The electron-deficient compound diborane, B2H6, as noted earlier, can be regarded as a cluster of atoms held together by pairs of delocalized electrons that extend their binding influence over all electrons in the molecule. The unusual feature of diborane is the existence of B―H―B bridges as part of the cluster. Although an MO treatment of the molecule deals with it as a whole, chemists find it helpful to focus on this novel feature and to consider each B―H―B moiety as an example of a three-centre, two-electron bond (a 3c,2e bond, as shown in ). They regard diborane as three atoms held together by a pair of electrons delocalized over three atoms but are aware that this semilocalized picture is only a part of the true picture.
The usefulness of the concept of a 3c,2e bond stems from two observations. The first is that diborane is in fact only one of a large class of compounds of boron and hydrogen, the boranes and the borohydride anions, in which the same feature is found. The second observation is that a 3c,2e bond can be formed by three boron atoms. Intricate networks of atoms can be formed in this way—for example, some having the form of closed frameworks (the closo-boranes), some looking like untidy birds’ nests (the nido-boranes), and some resembling spiderwebs (the arachno-boranes). Which type of structure is obtained correlates with the number of valence electrons in the molecule, and the correlation is expressed by Wade’s rules. These rules are empirical, but they can be justified by a consideration of the numbers of 3c,2e and ordinary 2c,2e bonds that are needed in each type of structure. They constitute an excellent example of how chemists utilize the concept of bond formation and deploy a mixture of valence bond and molecular orbital concepts to establish or rationalize helpful correlations between the number of electrons present and the structure of the species.
Metal cluster compounds
A metal cluster compound is one in which metal atoms are linked directly to one another ( ). A simple example is the ion Hg22+, in which two mercury (Hg) ions are linked together. A slightly more elaborate version is the ion [Re2Cl8]2−, in which there is a direct link between two rhenium (Re) atoms. Some metal cluster compounds have more than two metal atoms; an example is [Re3Cl12]3−, in which there are three rhenium atoms bonded together. It is sometimes difficult to determine whether the metal atoms are indeed directly linked or merely held quite close together by a framework of bridging ligands.
Metal cluster compounds warrant a special mention here because they provide the only examples of quadruple bonds in chemistry. Apart from that, their bonding can be treated as a straightforward exercise in MO or VB theory. Indeed, a metal cluster can be regarded as an exceedingly tiny sample of metal, with insufficient atoms present for the molecular orbitals to form a continuous band. The structure of [Re2Cl8]2− is shown in . The clue to the existence of unusual bonding is the arrangement of the two sets of chloride ligands: to minimize repulsions between the atoms, each ReCl4 group might be expected to be twisted 45° relative to the next rather than being in the orientation shown. There appears to be a bonding feature between the two rhenium atoms that holds the groups as illustrated. This feature is taken to be a quadruple bond arising from the overlap of d orbitals on the two rhenium atoms.
One component in the structure of a quadruple bond is a σ bond formed by the cylindrically symmetrical overlap of two d orbitals. There are also two π bonds formed by the overlap of two appropriately orientated d orbitals. The new feature is the δ bond, which is formed by the face-to-face overlap of two parallel d orbitals and has a distinctly different symmetry with respect to the internuclear axis than the other two types of bond. A quadruple bond therefore consists of a σ bond, two π bonds, and one δ bond. The reduction in bond strength that would occur if one d orbital were rotated away from its partner so that overlap is lessened accounts for the torsional rigidity of the bond and the observed shape of the species.
Computational approaches to molecular structure
In conclusion, a brief introduction to the manner in which these qualitative ideas are implemented computationally follows. The computation of molecular structures by numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation is a highly developed discipline. The principal difficulty is the large number of interactions between electrons that must be taken into account; this fact makes computational quantum chemists some of the most demanding users of computers and, increasingly, of supercomputers.
There are two strands of approach to the computation of molecular structure. In the semiempirical approach, the calculation draws on a number of experimentally determined characteristics to help in the overall calculation. In the ab initio approach, the calculation proceeds from first principles (the Schrödinger equation) and makes no use of imported information. The former approach was dominant in the 1970s, but increases in computing power have led to an ascendancy of ab initio techniques since then. The latter are intrinsically more reliable because there can be no certainty that a quantity determined in one context is appropriate to a particular molecule.
The central aim of computations is to identify the lowest-energy arrangement of a given set of atoms and to identify that arrangement as the structure of the molecule. The calculational strategy adopted is to seek self-consistency in the calculation, and, for that reason, the computations are referred to as self-consistent field (SCF) procedures. Thus, a particular electronic distribution is proposed, and the distribution of the electrons is recalculated on the basis of this first approximation. The distribution is then calculated again on the basis of that improved description, and the process is continued until there is negligible change—i.e., until the electron distribution has achieved self-consistency.
The implementation of this basic strategy can take a number of forms, and rival techniques have given rise to a large number of acronyms, such as AM1 (Austin Method 1) and MINDO (Modified Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap), which are two popular semiempirical procedures.
With self-consistency established, the wave functions are available for detailed scrutiny. One illustration must suffice. There is certain evidence that carcinogenic or pharmacological activity correlates with certain aspects of the charge distribution in molecules. Instead of dealing with the primitive concept of partial charges, numerical wave functions can be used to map the details of the charge distribution and hence to screen molecules for possible activity. This approach is potentially of considerable utility for pharmaceutical products as it can help to reduce the amount of in vivo screening of novel products.
Computational procedures have advanced to the stage where the role of the environment (for example, the water around enzyme molecules) can be incorporated. They are also being applied to the demanding calculations that are needed to describe the replacement of one grouping of chemical bonds into another that takes place in the course of chemical reactions. Thus, as well as dealing with the static considerations of structure, modern treatments of the chemical bond are now confronting the dynamic problems of reactions.