Life Cycle, Processes & Properties, ABR-APH
None of us are born looking exactly the way that we do today; this is because humans, like other species, undergo a series of changes as they mature and age, in accordance with their biological life cycle. This process can look very different across different species. In many simple organisms and in higher animals, the life cycle is completed within a single generation, while in most plants, the life cycle is multigenerational.
Life Cycle, Processes & Properties Encyclopedia Articles By Title
abrasion, damage to the epidermis of the skin. Abrasions are caused primarily by friction against a rough surface,......
abscess, a localized collection of pus in a cavity formed from tissues that have been broken down by infectious......
acatalasia, rare hereditary metabolic disorder caused by a lack of the organic catalyst, or enzyme, called catalase.......
acceleration stress, physiological changes that occur in the human body in motion as a result of rapid increase......
acclimatization, any of the numerous gradual, long-term responses of an organism to changes in its environment.......
achene, dry, one-seeded fruit lacking special seams that split to release the seed. The seed coat is attached to......
achondroplasia, genetic disorder characterized by an abnormality in the conversion of cartilage into bone. As a......
acidosis, abnormally high level of acidity, or low level of alkalinity, in the body fluids, including the blood.......
acne, any inflammatory disease of the sebaceous, or oil, glands of the skin. There are some 50 different types......
acorn, nut of the oak. Acorns are usually seated in or surrounded by a woody cupule. They mature within one to......
acoustic neuroma, benign tumour occurring anywhere along the vestibulocochlear nerve (also called acoustic nerve),......
acoustic trauma, physiological changes in the body caused by sound waves. Sound waves cause variations in pressure,......
acrocephalosyndactyly, congenital malformation of the skeleton affecting the skull and limbs. The disorder most......
acrocyanosis, bluish discoloration of the hands caused by spasms in arterioles (small arteries) of the skin. Less......
acromegaly, growth and metabolic disorder characterized by enlargement of the skeletal extremities. It is the result......
acrophobia, intense fear of heights. Persons affected by acrophobia are intensely fearful and anxious when high......
actinomycosis, chronic bacterial infection of humans and cattle that is caused by anaerobic or microaerophilic......
addiction, physical or psychological need for a substance or behavior that is physically, psychologically, or socially......
Addison disease, rare disorder defined by destruction of the outer layer of the adrenal glands, the hormone-producing......
adenovirus infection, any of a group of illnesses caused by infection with an adenovirus. There are numerous different......
adipsia, rare disorder characterized by the lack of thirst even in the presence of dehydration. In adipsia the......
adolescence, transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. The World Health Organization......
adulthood, the period in the human lifespan in which full physical and intellectual maturity have been attained.......
advertising coloration, in animals, the use of biological coloration to make an organism unique and highly visible......
affective disorder, mental disorder characterized by dramatic changes or extremes of mood. Affective disorders......
aflatoxin, Complex of toxins formed by molds of the genus Aspergillus, which frequently contaminate improperly......
African horse sickness (AHS), disease of Equidae (horses, mules, donkeys, and zebras) caused by an orbivirus called......
African swine fever (ASF), highly contagious and usually fatal viral disease of swine that is characterized by......
afterripening, complex enzymatic and biochemical process that certain plant embryos must undergo before they will......
agenesis, in human physiology, failure of all or part of an organ to develop during embryonic growth. Many forms......
aggressive mimicry, a form of similarity in which a predator or parasite gains an advantage by its resemblance......
aging, progressive physiological changes in an organism that lead to senescence, or a decline of biological functions......
agnosia, loss or diminution of the ability to recognize objects, sounds, smells, tastes, or other sensory stimuli.......
agonism, survivalist animal behaviour that includes aggression, defense, and avoidance. The term is favoured by......
agoraphobia, type of anxiety disorder characterized by avoidance of situations that induce intense fear and panic.......
agranulocytosis, acute infection characterized by severe sore throat, fever, and fatigue and associated with an......
AIDS, transmissible disease of the immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is a lentivirus......
air embolism, blockage of an artery or vein by an air bubble. Air can be introduced into the blood vessels during......
alarm signal, in zoology, a ritualized means of communicating a danger or threat among the members of an animal......
albinism, (from the Latin albus, meaning “white”), hereditary condition characterized by the absence of pigment......
alcohol poisoning, serious medical condition that results from intentional or accidental consumption of alcohol,......
alcoholism, excessive and repetitive drinking of alcoholic beverages to the extent that the drinker repeatedly......
alkalosis, abnormally low level of acidity, or high level of alkalinity, in the body fluids, including the blood.......
alkaptonuria, rare (one in 250,000 to 1,000,000 births) inherited disorder of protein metabolism, the primary distinguishing......
allantois, an extra-embryonic membrane of reptiles, birds, and mammals arising as a pouch, or sac, from the hindgut.......
allergen, substance that in some persons induces the hypersensitive state of allergy and stimulates the formation......
allergy, hypersensitivity reaction by the body to foreign substances (antigens) that in similar amounts and circumstances......
allometry, in biology, the change in organisms in relation to proportional changes in body size. An example of......
alopecia areata, autoimmune disease characterized primarily by hair loss on the face and scalp and often also on......
alternation of generations, in biology, the alternation of a sexual phase and an asexual phase in the life cycle......
altitude sickness, acute reaction to a change from sea level or other low-altitude environments to altitudes above......
alveolar ridge, in anatomy, the raised thickened border extending from the maxilla (the upper jaw) and the mandible......
Alzheimer disease, degenerative brain disorder that develops in mid-to-late adulthood. It results in a progressive......
amblyopia, reduction in vision in one or both eyes due to abnormal visual experience in early childhood, leading......
amenorrhea, failure to menstruate. Menstruation is the normal cyclic bleeding from the uterus in the female reproductive......
amnion, in reptiles, birds, and mammals, a membrane forming a fluid-filled cavity (the amniotic sac) that encloses......
amphibian chytridiomycosis, a disease affecting amphibians, especially frogs, caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium......
amyloidosis, disease characterized by the deposition of an abnormal protein called amyloid in the connective tissues......
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), degenerative neurological disorder that causes muscle atrophy and paralysis.......
anabolism, the sequences of enzyme-catalyzed reactions by which relatively complex molecules are formed in living......
anaerobic digestion, chemical process in which organic matter is broken down by microorganisms in the absence of......
analgesia, loss of sensation of pain that results from an interruption in the nervous system pathway between sense......
anaphase, in mitosis and meiosis, the stage of cell division in which separated chromatids (or homologous [like]......
anaphylaxis, in immunology, a severe, immediate, potentially fatal systemic allergic reaction to contact with a......
anasarca, a severe, generalized form of edema...
Andersen’s disease, extremely rare hereditary metabolic disorder produced by absence of the enzyme amylo-1:4,1:6-transglucosidase,......
androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), rare genetic disorder in which a genetically male individual fails to respond......
anemia, condition in which the red blood cells (erythrocytes) are reduced in number or volume or are deficient......
aneurysm, widening of an artery that develops from a weakness or destruction of the medial layer of the blood vessel.......
Angelman syndrome, rare genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. The syndrome is named for English physician......
angina pectoris, pain or discomfort in the chest, usually caused by the inability of diseased coronary arteries......
angioedema, allergic disorder in which large, localized, painless swellings similar to hives appear under the skin.......
angiogenesis, formation of new blood vessels. Angiogenesis is a normal process during growth of the body and in......
angioma, congenital mass of blood vessels that intrudes into bone or other tissues, causing tissue death and, in......
animal behaviour, the concept, broadly considered, referring to everything animals do, including movement and other......
animal communication, process by which one animal provides information that other animals can incorporate into......
animal development, the processes that lead eventually to the formation of a new animal starting from cells derived......
- Introduction
- Embryogenesis, Morphogenesis, Differentiation
- Embryo Formation, Cell Differentiation, Morphogenesis
- Amphioxus, Echinoderms, Amphibians
- Reptiles, Birds, Mammals
- Adaptations, Mammals, Embryology
- Embryonic Induction, Cell Signaling, Morphogenesis
- Organogenesis, Histogenesis
- Sense Organs, Embryology, Evolution
- Mesoderm, Embryo, Morphogenesis
- Excretion, Organs, Embryology
- Reproduction, Embryology, Gametes
- Pharynx, Outgrowths, Embryology
- Larval, Metamorphosis, Growth
- Metamorphosis, Hormones, Morphogenesis
- Direct, Embryonic, Larval
animal disease, an impairment of the normal state of an animal that interrupts or modifies its vital functions.......
animal learning, the alternation of behaviour as a result of individual experience. When an organism can perceive......
- Introduction
- Conditioning, Stimulus, Response
- Types, Conditioning, Associations
- Sensitization, Conditioning, Stimulus
- Classical, Instrumental, Conditioning
- Laws, Performance, Behavior
- Spatial, Memory, Navigation
- Conditioning, Stimulus, Response
- Perceptual, Conditioning, Stimulus
- Imprinting, Conditioning, Stimulus
- Discrimination, Relational, Abstract
- Insight, Reasoning, Behavior
ankylosis, in medicine, stiffness of a joint as the result of injury or disease. The rigidity may be complete or......
annual, any plant that completes its life cycle in a single growing season. The term is usually applied to herbaceous......
anorexia, persistent lack of appetite not caused by repletion. It may spring from psychoneurotic causes, as in......
anorexia nervosa, eating disorder characterized by the refusal of an emaciated individual to maintain a normal......
anthocyanin, major class of red to blue flavonoid pigments that are extensively represented in plants. Anthocyanins......
anthracnose, a group of fungal diseases that affect a variety of plants in warm, humid areas. Shade trees such......
anthrax, acute, infectious, febrile disease of animals and humans caused by Bacillus anthracis, a bacterium that......
antibiotic resistance, loss of susceptibility of bacteria to the killing (bacteriocidal) or growth-inhibiting (bacteriostatic)......
antibody, a protective protein produced by the immune system in response to the presence of a foreign substance,......
antidote, Remedy to counteract the effects of a poison or toxin. Administered by mouth, intravenously, or sometimes......
antigen, substance that is capable of stimulating an immune response, specifically activating lymphocytes, which......
antimony poisoning, harmful effects upon body tissues and functions of ingesting or inhaling certain compounds......
antisocial personality disorder, personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for the......
antitoxin, antibody, formed in the body by the introduction of a bacterial poison, or toxin, and capable of neutralizing......
anxiety disorder, any of several disorders that are characterized by a feeling of fear, dread, or apprehension......
coarctation of the aorta, congenital malformation involving the constriction, or narrowing, of a short section......
aortic arch syndrome, group of disorders that cause blockage of the vessels that branch off from the aorta in the......
aortic insufficiency, failure of the valve at the mouth of the aorta—the principal artery that distributes blood......
aortic stenosis, narrowing of the passage between the left lower chamber (ventricle) of the heart and the aorta,......
Virginia Apgar was an American physician, anesthesiologist, and medical researcher who developed the Apgar Score......
aphasia, defect in the expression and comprehension of language caused by damage to the temporal and the frontal......